Registered Office
The office of the association shall be situated in the premises of the D.J. Sindh Government Science College, Karachi.
Aims and Objects
- To bring the old students of D.J. Sindh Government Science College, Karachi together and to strengthen fraternal relations among them.
- To provide a form for THE DJARIANS, to promote better understanding and satisfaction of then intellectual, professional and social needs by arranging group discussion, seminars, symposia, conferences, conventions, science fairs and exhibitions, me/as, picnics, sports and other events.
- To prepare and maintain a directory of THE DJARIANS.
- To play an active role in the propagation of science education and raising its standards.
- To publish newsletters, journals, periodicals, monographs, books, etc.
- To strive to setup a scene library.
- To strive to form a co-operative housing society for the members of THE DJARIANS.
- To undertake and implement all steps and measures which help achieve the above aims and objects and to do all lawful things, incidental, required or conductive to the above objectives. With this in view THE DJARIANS may undertake any or all of the followings:-
- 1. It may receive gifts, donations, bequests and purchase, let or lease, accept or assume title to any property or assets of any kind without any limitations to value or amount. It may hold, sell or dispose these or such items as per rules provided or as may be found time to time. It may further undertake any and all activities which general body desires and decides for.
- 2. To bring the old students of D.J. Sindh Government Science College, Karachi together and to strengthen fraternal relations among them.
Promoters will not be paid employees of THE DJARIANS.
Association will run on non-commercial and non-political basis.
THE DJARIANS shall confine its activities only to the aims and objects of the association and the income and property of the association shall be applied solely towards the promoting of the objects of THE DJARIANS and no portion thereof shall be paid by way of dividend, profit, bonus to any member, office bearer of THE DJARIANS or otherwise. Violation of this condition shall be personal responsibility of the office bearers or the member concerned.